Robert & Shauna Valentine Family

Robert Young Valentine and Shauna Burgon Valentine met at BYU, fell in love and were married in 1967. They have lived in Provo, Utah; Durham and Laurinburg, North Carolina; and, for nearly three decades in Lincoln, Nebraska. Bob and Shauna moved back to Utah in 2004 into a new home in Highland. They have five grown children, Christopher, Lisa, Gina, James and Amanda and a lot of grandchildren. Enjoy news and photos of our growing family. Send comments, too. Stay in touch!

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Sunday School Class Module is "Provident Living."

Our Sunday School emergency preparation instructor is neighbor Bret Burns, a professional trainer with Fidelity Investments. Last week, he got us all to update (or create) a family financial budget. Wow, do we spend a lot of money eating out or what? Buy stock in Bajíos Mexican Restaurant. The Valentines alone are 50% of their business. We need to make more sandwiches for lunch!

Shauna and Robert are in a four week module in Sunday School that focuses on family spiritual growth, family finances and family emergency preparation, among other topics. Today, we hauled in our 72 hour emergency kits, which we got from our daughter Lisa's ward last year. In case of a flood, earthquake (a big possibility here along the Wasatch front) or whatever, we would have enough water, food and supplies for at least 72 hours in case we needed to evacuate the area. Hey kids, do you have your food storage and 72 hour kits? Do it! For really good advice to families and singles about sane living, check out


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