Robert & Shauna Valentine Family

Robert Young Valentine and Shauna Burgon Valentine met at BYU, fell in love and were married in 1967. They have lived in Provo, Utah; Durham and Laurinburg, North Carolina; and, for nearly three decades in Lincoln, Nebraska. Bob and Shauna moved back to Utah in 2004 into a new home in Highland. They have five grown children, Christopher, Lisa, Gina, James and Amanda and a lot of grandchildren. Enjoy news and photos of our growing family. Send comments, too. Stay in touch!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Utah Valley University Summer Session Ends!

This week, we finished teaching Legal Studies 3130 (16 students) and Legal Studies 3140 (29 students) at Utah Valley University. Completion of both of these courses earns students 6 credits and the certificate that allows them to take the Utah Real Estate Exam. Although all of these students would make excellent real estate sales agents, I discourage them. The industry is loaded with incompetent agents, witness the current crisis. It is easier to become a real estate agent in Utah than a hair dresser (not that there is anything wrong with hairdressers. Shauna's is a genius!). However, Bob Valentine continues to insist that all real estate professionals should be required (like appraisers recently) to a have a four-year degree from an accredited university.

Notice their happy faces as they take the final! (Actually, this was a great class and I will miss them very much.


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