Robert & Shauna Valentine Family

Robert Young Valentine and Shauna Burgon Valentine met at BYU, fell in love and were married in 1967. They have lived in Provo, Utah; Durham and Laurinburg, North Carolina; and, for nearly three decades in Lincoln, Nebraska. Bob and Shauna moved back to Utah in 2004 into a new home in Highland. They have five grown children, Christopher, Lisa, Gina, James and Amanda and a lot of grandchildren. Enjoy news and photos of our growing family. Send comments, too. Stay in touch!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Family Home Evening and Happy Thanksgiving!!

We're all looking forward to having James with us for a few days. We'll miss Amanda who is working during Thanksgiving to build her fashion empire. She will succeed. We will all be together for Christmas.


BE AWARE OF ALL OF YOUR BLESSINGS! You were born in America; born into the Gospel; have your health and strength; you are loved; you are above average; --and you're good looking! Wow, what else?

BE THANKFUL for every little thing;little things are the big things in life.

SAY 'THANK YOU' as often as you can to those around you.

OFFER PRAYERS OF GRATITUDE to your Heavenly Father who has blessed you and continues to bless you with so much.

LIVE WITH THANKSGIVING EVERY DAY, "for the many mercies and blessings which he doth bestow upon you." (Alma 34:38)

Let us make thanksgiving the very nature of our lives. "It will impart an added dimension to your character that will give depth and strength." (President Hinckley)

Mom and Dad are so very thankful for all of you!

Love, Mom and Dad
Shauna and Robert Valentine


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